Friday, September 9, 2016

Despensa 5 de septiembre, 2016

Dentro del grupo existen 3 núcleos.
This group consists of representatives:

1- presidente Raúl Medina, President
2- secretario Josue Ibon. Secretary
3- tesorero Jaime Perez,. Treasurer

Coordinadores- son 18 y cada uno tiene su sector desde Riberas del pilar hasta canacinta.

There are 18 Coordinators and each is responsible for sectores from 
Riberas del Pilar to La Canacinta.

El tercer núcleo que consta de alrededor de 260 personas beneficiadas que al total nos da un
total aproximado de 1500 personas.

Aside from the aforementioned Coordinators, there are approximately 260 additional people who
are beneficiaries, for a total of approximately 1500 people serviced by the group.

Tenemos una lista de espera de 180 personas por inscribirse. Sólo que la joven del banco de alimentos inscribe 20 en cada entrega.

We have a wait list of 180 people wanting to join. The Food Bank representative adds
20 new people every other week.

De el total de la lista no van todos, algunos porque no tienen los 100 pesos, 
otros se les olvida y otros no les interesó.

Of those beneficiaries that are signed up, not all are present every time the food is dispensed.
Some do not have the $100 pesos to pay, others forget and others just are not interested anymore.

NADIE trabaja para el Ayuntamiento y si el Ayuntamiento quisiera " ayudar" a alguien
ocupa mandarlo a nuestro grupo.

No one from the Ayuntamiento is presently working in this program. If someone from the Ayuntamiento would want to help, they could contact someone from the group.

Tenemos un contrato firmado con el banco de alimentos firmado por el primer núcleo y
el presidente del mismo.

We have a signed contract with the Food Bank, signed by the first nucleo and the President.

En Jocotepec están por abrir otro centro, en la 4 ta entrega estuvieron presentes
para ver el proceso y aprender, más no sé si abriría ya.

In Jocotepec another distribution center is about to open. In our 4th dispensa, the Joco reps. were present to learn our process. We do not have a definite date for the opening of the Joco food dispersal program yet.

Ningún coordinador inscribe personas.

None of the Coordinators can sign up beneficiaries.

Ningún miembro cobra por su trabajo.

None of the members charge money for their work.

Ningún miembro pertenece a algún partido político, asociación religiosa o 
es líder de algún movimiento con otros fines.

No member represents any political party, religious association or 
is a leader in any other movement with profit focus.

Aquí no hay jefes, todos somos iguales y el trabajo es parejo.

Here there are NO bosses; we are all the same and the work is shared.

No existe discriminación, preferencias o condiciones para entregar la ayuda.

We do not tolerate any discrimination, preferences or conditions that govern the assistance offered.

Sólo tienen que preguntar con cual coordinador les toca, llevar documentos de IFE, CURP, COMPROBANTE DE DOMICILIO e inscribirse con la señorita del banco de alimentos.

To become a Member, one needs to contact their area Coordinator and bring documentation: 
IFE, CURP and Proof of Address to enroll with the representative from the Food Bank.

El jueves anterior a la entrega se recogen los botes y bolsas en casas de los coordinadores.

The Thursday before the distribution of foods, the pails and bags are picked up at 
the Coordinator’s homes.

El viernes se ordenan las despensas de acuerdo a los botes recogidos.

That next Friday the distribution orders are sent to the Food Bank, based on the counts
of member’s pails and bags.

El lunes llega el producto contado, de acuerdo al pedido.

That next Monday the counted product is delivered.

Nadie del grupo pretende ser protagonista o llamar la atención mucho menos buscar beneficio propio.

No one from the group tries to be a “star” or tries to call attention to themselves for their own benefit.

No apoyamos a ningún político ni somos parte del ayuntamiento.

We do not endorse any politician nor are we part of the Ayuntamiento.

No aceptamos recomendados o gente " privilegiada" aquí todos somos iguales.

We do not accept recommended parties nor “priviledged” people – here we are all the same.

A nadie se le negará la ayuda .

No one will be turned away who asks for assistance.

Al llevar los botes se deja un depósito de 20 pesos y a la hora de la entrega se paga la diferencia.

When Members bring their pails and bags, they leave a deposit of $20 pesos. 
When the food is distributed, the Member pays the remainder of the fee.

El costo varía de 120- 135 pesos, el precio lo pone el banco de alimentos.

The cost for the food is usually between $120 to $135 pesos per Member. 
The final cost is calculated and set by the Food Bank itself.

En las próximas entregas trataremos de incluir carnes rojas y pollo.

In the next food distributions we will include red meat and chicken.

No sólo manejaremos despensas.

And we are planning on branching out. We will not solely distribute food:

Habrá jornadas médicas cada mes, con especialistas reconocidos con un costo 
de 100 pesos incluyendo medicina.

We plan on having medical visits from recognized specialists with a base fee/cost of $100 pesos.
This base fee/cost will include the price of medications.

Vamos a reforestar el pueblo, los árboles están listos, sólo necesitamos personas 
que nos ayuden a plantarlos por las calles.

We plan on reforesting the pueblo. The trees are ready. 
We only need people to help plant the trees.

Haremos concursos de pintura para pintar todos los postes de la población con dibujos a la imaginación de los niños, el premio a los ganadores será un paseo a Mazamitla o a algún museo de Guadalajara.

We will have art competitions to paint telephone posts, with the help and imagination of the children of the town. The winners will receive a prize trip to Mazamitla or perhaps a visit to a Guadalajara museum.

Todo esto, sin "ayuda"de las autoridades, es una muestra que no ocupamos un puesto
para poder hacer cosas por nuestra comunidad.

All this happens without the oversight of any authorities. It is a model to teach that 
you do not need to have a position nor a title to be able to help our communities.

La única persona ajena al grupo es Rubí trabajadora social del Banco de Alimentos
y el chofer del camión.

The only people outside of our immediate, local group are Rubi, who is a social worker 
from the Food Bank and their truck driver.

We are in need of the following:

a) Volunteers to help during the food dispersals - Mondays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Ajijic.

b) Volunteers to help plant trees for the reforestation project.

c) Donations to cover the cost of the food despensa fees for needy families who can not cover this cost themselves.

d) Coffee and breakfast foods to offer to the volunteers on Monday mornings in Ajijic.

Any inquiries can be directed to Raul Medina (who speaks English)

Telephone # 333-166-3444

In advance, Gracias - Thank You for your assistance!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

from entry -

A small group of Mexican volunteers, Grupo Axixic Michicihualli, has been feeding the poor of Ajijic for two and a half months.  They go bi-monthly to Juanacatlán, where there is a State Food Bank and bring food back to dispense from the Prisa Parking lot on the highway.

This Monday, the 5th of September, you can see this project in action.  Every family must bring two empty buckets, one for fruit and one for vegetables, as well as a large bag for dry goods.  The family must pay 100 pesos twice a month to cover the cost of transportation, plastic containers, etc.  Many families can´t even afford this small amount.  

If you would like to help Mexicans helping Mexicans, please contact Raul Medina at 333-166-3444 or you can stop by in person this Monday around 11 am.  You can pay the treasurer directly, Mr. Jaime Perez.

Grupo Axixic Michicihualli, want you to know that this program is not affiliated with any political party, religious or any other movement. It is for the benefit of the community. 

If you would like to volunteer you can talk to them on Monday or call Raul (who speaks English).